Do you want to order the ideal coffee cup but can’t decide between a single-wall cup and a double-wall cup? Here are all the details you require:

Difference: single-walled paper cup vs double-walled paper cup?
Different structures: SINGLE WALL has one layer of paper formed, while DOUBLE WALL has two layers of paper cup formed, which had better heat insulation when the drinker holds it in hand
The extra layer on a double-walled cup protects hands from hot drinks like tea, coffee, and hot chocolate.

Due to the lack of insulation, a single wall cup may be combined with a cup sleeve for additional heat protection.

Single Walled Cup
- Low unit price
- Lightweight
- Convenient
- Recycling is simple.
Double walled cup
- Strong and long-lasting
- Additional heat protection insulation
- There’s no need for a cup sleeve or to “double up” (putting cups inside another)
- A more premium appearance and feel

In most cases, single-wall cups are the more sustainable choice.
Due to their simple design, single-wall cups require less energy and paper to manufacture. Transport-related emissions are also reduced due to the lower unit/case weight.

Single wall cups are therefore ideal for consumers looking to reduce their carbon footprint.
You can reduce your company’s environmental impact by switching to single-walled coffee cups. Single-walled cups use less energy and paper to produce. Because single-walled cups are lighter and fit into more compact cartons, transportation-related emissions will be reduced. But the extra layer of paper, you say, is so thin! Is there really going to be that much of a difference? Consider how many coffee cups your company would go through in a year. For businesses, it’s also important to weigh up the costs of adding a sleeve to a single wall cup in comparison to a double wall cup. In most cases, the combination of single wall cups and sleeves is cheaper than double wall cups.